Note: It is wise to read the Data Engine QuickStart before starting this article.
Ingest any data - Tabular, Vision/Image, NLP/Text, or Time Series by uploading from your computer as a .csv (single file) or .zip (many files or image folders), or connect to Buckets to upload data.
Upload data from computer
Click Upload Data from the submenu under the My Data main menu. Then drag and drop a .csv or .zip data file to the DRAG IN AREA [#1] or click Choose Data File [#1] to locate the file.
Click the Upload button [#2] to load the data file in mlOS.
Click the uploaded File Name under Manage Data. If the data is not already clean, proceed with Data Wrangling to clean the data file. If the data is already clean, proceed with the Define Data set.
Upload data from buckets
Note: The procedure to connect to any bucket is the same. Before you begin, create a bucket and download the credentials as a .json file. Note the name of the bucket. You'll need this information to connect to any bucket.
Complete the information in the Add Bucket Credentials page by naming the connection in Connection Name [#1]
Enter the Bucket Name [#2], click Choose Credential file (.json) [#3] to locate the file Or DRAG IN AREA
Click Upload and Save (#4) to see the Connection Name-Bucket name under Buckets.
Select the checkbox next to "Connection Name-BucketName" and click "Connect to Bucket". The files in that bucket will appear if your connection is successful.
Select the data you need and click "Load to mlOS".
All data will show up in My Data > Raw Data. See the uploaded File Name under Manage Data.
If the data is not already clean, proceed with Data Wrangling to clean the data file. If the data is already clean, proceed with the Define Data set.