A Default project is automatically created and loaded when a user signs-in for the first time. You can work in the default project or create and load a new project.
Click on the project name on the top right corner of the menu bar to open the Project Manager.
The following window opens.
The following controls can be seen:
Create New Project
- Type any project name in the text box (#1)
- Click Create Project (#2)
- The new project is created. mlOS reloads, setting the default project to the newly created project.
- Rename a project (#3)
Delete Project
- Select the project you want to delete and click the Delete button (#4) to delete it.
- Note that the currently loaded project cannot be deleted. If you want to delete the currently loaded project, select and load another project and then delete the project you wanted to delete.
Load Project
- Select the project you wish to load.
- Click on Load Project (#5) to load it as the current project.
- mlOS reloads, setting the project to what you wanted to load.
Share Project
- Click on Share (#6).
- Select the project that you wish to share.
- Click on Add User (#7) to select a user in your organization with whom you wish to collaborate on this project.
- Click Share Project (#8) to share the project.
The user with whom you shared the project will receive an email that the project has been shared for collaboration.